Stash revamp!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I was inspired by a couple of the crafty blogs I follow and decided to reorganize my fabric stash today. As you can see, it was much needed.


The serger is going on Craigslist since I never use it. I'd eventually love to have built-in shelves here to store my fabric, but for now piles will have to do. I still have several bins of minkee and other random fabric upstairs that I need to go through, as well as two huge carts full of scraps. Quilting paradise, I tell you.


The fabric is stacked two rows deep. Back right corner is fleece. Next to that is chenille and knits/thermals. Then back left is decorator weight stuff (I really need to make some bags or something). Front right is minkee (yum!) and the rest in the front is all my cotton, since I use it most. There's also some satin binding there in front, as well as my scraps basket and notions box underneath. Oh, and some rolls of tulle that I need to break out and make some tutus for babygirl.

I feel so refreshed now and totally ready to start banging out some quilts now that I can see everything I have to work with.

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 8:33 PM  


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