Teething starting early?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
With pregnancy comes increasingly vivid and strange dreams for me. Last night? Avonlea was born with 12 teeth. Practically a full set. Adorable newborn baby, 8 lbs. 15 oz., light fluffy blonde hair, nice pearly set of chompers. Let me just say that I'm glad I don't feel pain in my dreams, because this baby did not know how to refrain from biting while nursing.
I woke up and went, "Phew, THAT was weird. Thank goodness that doesn't really happen. One or two teeth, maybe, but not 12." And then I Googled it.
Also in the same dream was a 48-hour labor. I'm thinking I'd rather have the toothed newborn.
You didn't know babies could be born with teeth?
Wed Mar 11, 04:53:00 PM EDT
Yes, I knew. I didn't realize they could be born with TWELVE teeth, though.
Wed Mar 11, 04:55:00 PM EDT
That is a lot of teeth! My dad's cousin was born with 4, they pulled them and her teeth grew in again fine. So weird. I cannot imagine trying to nurse a newborn with teeth.
Wed Mar 11, 06:05:00 PM EDT
How weird! I can't even imagine - that woman was born with 12 teeth!!! Yikes!
Thu Mar 12, 12:26:00 AM EDT