24-week Bump Report
Monday, March 23, 2009
It's official - I feel huge. Not just in my belly but everywhere. My back fat is growing, people. UGH. I wish I could be one of those women who stays stick thin and gains 15 pounds her whole pregnancy, but I'm just not. I have such a huge appetite and I figure if I'm hungry, the baby must need the nutrients, so I eat. I gained 60 pounds with both of the boys and easily lost it each time, so I'm trying not to stress over it, but I still hate blimping up in the meantime. I fully expect to start getting the "Oh my GAWDDDD are you SURE it's not twinzzzz?!?!?!" comments soon. My belly is all baby, just like it was the last two times. I have to say, I love the way I carry my babies straight out in front.
Other than that I'm feeling pretty good. Trying to keep my activity level up, although I don't always have a lot of energy. Having two whirlwinds running rampant all over the house helps with the activity. Heartburn is worse than with Beckett but not as bad as with Sawyer. I'm feeling the baby move a lot more these days, mostly down low and to the sides. Not a lot of activity above the belly button yet. She was hanging out head down with her back to my right side at my last appointment so I think a lot of what I feel is a kick from her feets on the left which bumps her body into my right. It's total cuteness.
I broke down and bought some maternity pants over the weekend. Up until now I'd just been wearing my regular jeans with a Bella Band over them. It was a nice boost of confidence. But the zipper was starting to dig in and the ol' hips were getting too wide, so I went for a pair of these from Motherhood. HEAVEN. So freakin' comfortable, seriously. On the shirt front, I'm still wearing normal ones. I hate maternity clothes with a passion. The tent look is so not me. Luckily, long shirts are in right now. I snagged a few from Rue 21 that I'm pretty sure will last me my whole pregnancy because they're so freakishly long. Then after the baby's born I can just dry them on high to shrink them up. Yay recycling!
I'm having a lot of trouble getting around already, which I guess is to be expected with this being my 5th pregnancy, 3rd to make it past the first trimester. My hips ache horribly after laying down for any length of time, and the pain in my pubic bone is excruciating. It feels like it's splitting in half when I stand up. Probably the early stages of SPD, which I luckily escaped the last two times. I need to bring it up with my midwife and maybe start seeing a chiropractor. Because with 16+ more weeks to go, it's certainly not going to get any better on its own, and I'd prefer not to need a walker complete with tennis balls before I birth this kid.
My dreams are becoming more and more vivid as the weeks go on, as well as incredibly twisted most nights. I dream every single time I fall asleep, even after getting up to pee in the wee hours of the morning. Which means I have 2-4 dreams per night. Most are nightmarish and leave me not wanting to fall back asleep. Should probably discuss this with the midwife as well. I'm hoping there's an extra supplement I can take that will help.
Next update: 28 weeks. Getting closer!
You are so cute and I love the strawberry shirt!! You're over halfway there - how exciting!
Mon Mar 23, 09:06:00 PM EDT
I have to agree, I love the strawberry shirt too!
Tue Mar 24, 09:53:00 AM EDT
You look fabulous!! :) I had those jeans and agree they are in fact heaven. :P
Tue Mar 24, 01:40:00 PM EDT
I've still tried to hold onto some of my pre-pregnancy pants, they're failing fast :p
I'm a huge gainer too, oh well.
You look great and I fully expect to see another torpedo belly from you :D
Let me know how it goes with the SPD. I can barely move these days, I had SPD with Ria but its worse having to chase her at the same time.
Fri Mar 27, 08:10:00 AM EDT
I have to say I think you look amazing! Pregnant ladies are the most beautiful people!
I remember week 24, it wasn't so long ago that i was in your shoes! Our little Ethan is now 10 weeks old!
Fri Mar 27, 01:58:00 PM EDT
PS. it's me again...
i had achy legs and hips with my pregnancy and my midwife gave me a calcium/magnesium isotonic supplement. That helped as well as going to the chiropractor.
Oh goodness those preggo dreams can be crazy! And that's the time you really need your sleep but don't want to fall back to sleep, i understand!
Fri Mar 27, 02:03:00 PM EDT