Wordless Wednesday - Womb Space

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 10:52 PM 1 comments  

Photo Recipe: Beefy Italian Ring and Veggies

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I threw this together on the fly for lunch today, which is rare for me because I almost always use a recipe. Now, I'm no Pioneer Woman, but this was pretty tasty so I thought I'd do my first photo recipe. Enjoy!

1 pound ground beef
1 3/4 cups ricotta cheese
3/4 cup grated parmesan
1 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce
2 tubes refrigerated crescent rolls
1 can mushrooms (or fresh if you choose)
1 tsp Italian seasoning
2 cloves fresh garlic
2 eggs
1-2 fresh zucchini
Approx. 10-15 stalks fresh asparagus


1. Brown the ground beef in a skillet on medium-high heat.


2. Add the Italian seasoning, mushrooms, spaghetti sauce and garlic. Mix together and allow to simmer.

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5 6

3. In a separate bowl, mix together the ricotta, eggs, and parmesan cheese.


It should look like this:


4. Stir in the meat mixture and mix well. You'll have something like this.


5. Add in the mozzarella and mix it in as well.


6. For this part, I use a round baking stone from Pampered Chef. A round pizza pan would also work. Unroll the crescent rolls and arrange them on the stone in a ring like this.


7. Drop spoonfuls of the meat and cheese mixture onto the crescents, until the ring is full. Side note: you will have lots of filling leftover. Save it to make another ring or spoon it onto a bun for an Italian sloppy joe!

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8. Fold the ends of the crescents over and tuck them in so the filling is enclosed. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.


When it comes out, it will look like this. Yum!


9. To make the veggies, dice everything up into bite size pieces.


10. Toss in a skillet with 1 tbsp of olive oil over medium heat.


11. Sprinkle in some Italian seasoning and garlic to taste. Saute until the veggies are crisp and cooked through.


12. Remove from heat and stir in some shredded mozzarella and sprinkle grated parmesan on top.


And enjoy!


Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 7:40 PM 6 comments  

Operation WIP

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Also known as Works In Progress. I have several I need to finish and I'm trying (keyword there is trying!) to finish them all before I start anything new. Which is very difficult because there are so many tempting NEW projects I could start. I hate having half-finished pieces cluttering up my piles though.

I finished the easiest project first - a quilted pillow. Now I have three quilts I need to tackle that all need sewn together before I can do anything else.


The little weenie dogs are actually cut from one of Beckett's old stained onesies.


I also received my promo material for Avie Adorned. How cool is this stuff? Business cards and "packaging" for my bows! I punch a hole in the cards and then clip the bows on for shipping.


Speaking of bows, I added several new ones to the shop last night. Check it out!

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 12:47 PM 1 comments  

Twin Craftiness

Monday, April 20, 2009

I had the honor of making these little gift sets for twin boys born on the 17th. My awesome friend Cara was a surrogate and carried the boys for a couple from Iceland. They were a little early at 33 weeks but they're doing great and are just the cutest tiny things ever. I got to meet the proud mama and daddy and even got to visit the twins in the NICU yesterday. The hats fit them perfectly!




Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 10:09 AM 5 comments  

Wordless Wednesday: Hello In There

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sawyer giving Avie a poke. Yes, my belly is lopsided - all three of my kids favored the right side and have stretched it out!

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 2:07 PM 5 comments  

Bunny Day Activities!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 11:08 AM 2 comments  

Egg Hunt

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 8:30 AM 1 comments  

Easter Morning

What do you get when you wait until 11pm on Easter Eve to go shopping for goodies? Sand buckets as Easter baskets. Hey, they're cheaper and more durable anyway. I'm glad I bought the peeps a couple weeks ago because the shelves were barren on Saturday. All that was left were loads of that edible grass - apparently not the best invention ever.

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 8:27 AM 0 comments  

Coloring Eggs

The next few posts will be pictures only, because I'm lazy and my kids are cute. :D

They did pretty good, no?

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 8:22 AM 1 comments  


Saturday, April 11, 2009

The reason I haven't blogged in a week..

My brand spanking new Etsy shop!!

Avie Adorned - Custom Boutique Bows

I've been working all week to get this up and running and I'm so excited. I'll be adding lots more over the coming days and weeks. If you love Gymboree, definitely check it out because I'll be doing lots of made to match stuff.




Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 3:00 PM 2 comments  

Warning: This Post Contains Blood and Gore

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay, so it's not really that bad. But I thought I would warn you squeamish folks up front.

As of last night, I have officially completed one of the Milestones of Motherhood: the first trip to the Emergency Room for stitches. Surprisingly, we haven't had to do this yet with Sawyer, but with Beckett being my more monkey-like and fearless one, he had to get it out of the way early.

We had some friends over for dinner last night, and while the lasagna was in the oven we went outside so my friend could take some family pictures of us. The boys looked adorable in their Easter outfits and the shoot went pretty well, considering we have two children who like to run in opposite directions like repelling magnets.

After the pictures, we came back to the house and were headed inside to have dinner. Sawyer and Beckett were, of course, running to see who could get through the front door first. Beckett's pants were a little big and his shoes a little too clunky I guess, because he tripped on the front step and dove head-first into the edge of the bricks by the front door.

I was too far back to see the point of impact and thought he had just hit the front door or not hit anything. Was expecting a couple tears and then another mad dash into the house. But the look on DH's face said otherwise and when he grabbed him up and spun around, I saw the blood a-gushing. Yep, onto his Easter outfit that he'd had on for all of 30 minutes (luckily Daddy actually accumulated most of the blood so I think I may be able to save the outfit).

I instantly flipped into Mommy Mode and ran into the house to grab a rag. Sat him up on the counter to survey the damage and instantly said, "Yep, that'll need stitches." I was so thankful that our friends were there, because we were able to leave Sawyer with them and take their van so that DH could ride beside Beckett and hold the rag on his head. He was such a doll baby and had stopped crying before we ever made it off our street, because I told him we were going to see a doctor to make it better.

We got to the ER and saw a triage nurse, and were thankfully able to get the bleeding stopped and a band-aid applied for the wait in the waiting room. I am knocking on all the wood available and hoping we don't catch the stomach bug from the little girl who was puking next to us. *shudder*

Once we got back into the room to see the doctor, a nurse came in to check out the damage and apply some numbing medicine. Beckett was so sweet and sat still for everything. He even did fabulously through his tetanus shot, which we unfortunately had to get sooner than I was hoping (since we delay vaccinations, he hadn't had it yet). He would wave to the nurse and say thanks every time she left the room. Total heartbreaker.

And a side note, I was amused by but did not appreciate the doctor who felt the need to come in and tell us that "tetanus is something you die from" and then leaving. Thank you, all-knowing ER doctor with stellar bedside manner. /sarcasm

Anyway. The nurse came back in then and applied some numbing medicine, which was really fabulous because it prevented him from having to get ANY shots of local anesthetic. I was so thankful for that. He had me cracking up because as soon as she applied it, he said "Ice cream!" because it felt cold.

We left that on for about half an hour and then the doctor came in to stitch him up. This was by far the worst part and I was loving her for being so quick about it. We had to wrap him up in a sheet like a burrito so he couldn't thrash, and just being held down like that really terrified him. He cried for me the whole time and it broke my heart into a million pieces. BUT, he didn't feel a single stitch go in, and that made it so much easier for me since I knew he was only crying because he didn't want to be held down. It only took about five minutes and she had three stitches applied and we were done.

He is, of course, back to his ever rambunctious self this morning, giving me mini heart attacks every time he dives onto the couch head first. Kids and being resilient and all that - it really is true.

I'm not one to miss documenting this type of event, so I of course have pictures. Look away now if a few drops of blood and some stitches gross you out! I wasn't TOO terrible of a mom because I at least waited until the major drama and gushing blood was over before busting out the camera.

Daddy and Beckett waiting at the ER. This was after we saw the triage nurse and we had gotten the bleeding stopped by then. We had to drive to the hospital with a rag pressed on his head.

Waiting for the nurse to come in and apply the numbing medicine.

Numbing medicine in place, kicking back and eating a Pop Tart.

All stitched up, bandaged, and waiting for our discharge papers.

Changing band-aids when we got home - as you can see he was happy as ever, hardly phased.

And the stitches this morning.

Blogged by Making A Modern Family at 9:19 AM 8 comments